Thursday 23 February 2012

Mini essay plan

Title: The Moors, the weather,human nature and social class in Wuthering Heights

Abstract; Weather in Wuthering heights symbolizes Cathy and Heathcliffe's wild 'other' human nature, they are free spirited and happy when roaming the Moors.The Moors symbolize the wilderness of their nature,accepts it and allows it. Society rejects Cathy's and Heathcliffe's nature which prevents them from being together. Cathy defies her natural instincts and allows society to place constrictions upon her , and as a result she moves away from the Moors and resides in the Linton's household to be tamed , reflected by the soft weather symbolism's as a pose to the harsh weather symbolism of the wild free Wuthering Heights (House)

Method: research for context- social status and rise of middle class, 19th century capitalism  re defining of social classes, Where the novel and Bronte's stood  (500 words )
close analysis .
The houses as opposites ( one free and wild the other civilized and tamed mirroring the image of Heathcliffe and mr Linton,)
Liminal spaces- peering through windows listening to conversations crossing boundaries. ( reflect the social class boundary both characters are striving to overcome) Space and liminality in the mirror VERY IMPORTANT !